1. The soil has been depleted of trace elements and farmers use chemicals, fertilizers and pesticides which depletes valuable nutrients of vegetables
2. Fruits and vegetables do not reach us fresh
3. The use of aluminium, cooking utensils deplete the food from valuable nutrient and is the major cause of alzhemier disease and memory loss
4. Refining the process not only remove a large amount or nutrients, but preservatives, colourants and flavorings added are dangerous to one`s health.
5. Chlorine in our drinking water.
6. Drinking an alcohol deplete the body of valuable nutrient.
7. Infrequent meals and the use of fat and junk foods.
To replace the amount of calcium loss in our body
Not eating enough whole grain food. 80% of our food is carbohydrate which leads to sugar in the body system
Facts about Neolife International
Neolife makes wholefood vitamins and supplements that garantee results. Don't just choose vitamins and supplements based on price. Rather choose products that you know for sure your body will recognize and absorb. That's why you should choose neolife products, they are wholefood, natural and bio available.
Neolife provides safer, better researched, better tested, better proven and more effective products than anyone else.
Neolife international has a 30-day money back guarantee that you will notice a difference.
Neolife is a fully Pharmaceutically Licensed Nutritional Company and subject, under the FDA (Federal Food and Drug Administration) adhering to rigorous inspections and strict FDA guidelines... unlike many other vitamin companies.
Neolife and our goal is to do what is right for you and the environment.
Neolife international is in over 50 Countries and has been in business for over 50 years and are not available in stores.
Neolife supplements are made using whole foods, as in human-food-chain foods, not synthesized.
Neolife has scientific and medical research and testing that backs up all the benefits of a product before it is manufactured.
Neolife products from 2.5 to 99 times more effective than other products... saving you money by way of enhanced product effectiveness.
Neolife is a nutrition company known as... The Leader In The Field.
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